Putting the Student First: How the Education Code of Practice 2021 Aims to Improve Student Support Services

One clause that stands out in this Outcome is Process 4: Responsive wellbeing and safety systems. This process outlines the steps that tertiary institutions must take to ensure that they are equipped to respond to any emerging concerns about learners’ wellbeing and safety or behavior. It describes the importance of having plans in place for assisting learners and responding effectively in emergency situations and disseminating timely information to learners and staff during emergencies. It also emphasizes the need to provide ongoing training and resources for staff, including recognizing indicators of imminent danger to learners and others, identifying and reporting incidents of racism, discrimination, and bullying, and promoting healthy lifestyles for learners.

At a tertiary institution, meeting the requirements of Process 4 could involve implementing training programs for staff on how to respond to emergencies and handling incidents of racism, discrimination, and bullying. The institution could also create a manual outlining critical incident and emergency procedures and ensuring all relevant staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities during such situations. Providing students with access to culturally appropriate social, medical, and mental health services is another essential aspect of this process. Additionally, having an effective system for disseminating timely information to learners and staff during emergencies could involve using communication channels, such as social media or email, to keep everyone informed.

Overall, meeting the requirements of Outcome 1 entails creating a strategic and transparent learner wellbeing and safety system that responds to the diverse needs of learners. By implementing each of the four processes outlined in this Outcome, tertiary institutions can ensure that they are providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

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